Día de Los Reyes

Los Reyes

One of the most treasured traditions of Puerto Rico is the celebration of Three Kings Day or El Dia de Reyes. Families get together with their children to revisit the story of when the Three Kings visited Christ when he was born in Bethlehem. If you are Puerto Rican then you most likely celebrate Los Reyes. It’s one of the most traditional and celebrated holidays among Hispanics.

After Christmas most families put a statue  of los Reyes as a centerpiece on dining room tables to let everyone know that “faltan los Reyes” or (the kings are missing). Children place a shoe box with grass and a bowl of water under their beds the night before, to receive gifts. Los Reyes then arrive to each house by horse. They arrive before dawn on January 6th. When Children wake up they receive gifts. The Reyes only come if the child has been good all year and if the children are awake they won’t leave any gifts at all.

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